Do YOU Google Yourself?

LOL…it sounds so wink wink nudge nudge funny, eh?

But come on, admit it…you do it! And if by some gap in the cosmos, you haven’t…you are right now! lol…you cannot resist…no worries–tis not a sin…………..yet;)

For years…I, myself…yours truly, was null on google returns. And I liked it that way! I adore being anonymous. I have a online handle as it were(look up)…that has googled well for a few years now. But me: First Last, name, not so much! Now, if I put quotes around my name, I am 1st-3rd-5th on Google returns…of course that varies…

I am however still not first consistently on unquoted name Google…ha ha…but I am first page;)

What has changed?

Well, there is my Linked In page(sparse as it is), and Facebook(I have my privacy settings allowing for public searches). But what seems to have joined it, and I shouldn’t be surprised…my photos were recently published under my name on a friends website which generally googles quite well, even now after it got renamed. And pop…there I am.

Sigh, I guess my days of anonymity are over. At least the googles don’t show me doing anything crazy…lol, then you would know they were fake! Ha ha, I am not that crazy…I am just tongue in cheek in cyberspace…in reality, I am pure innocence………………


An aside…I was not born in the 1800’s! LOL that would be my alternate identity;)

Now, what are you waiting for………….go Google yourself!


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