Seattle Pride is something that has drawn my lens since I started seriously shooting with a dSLR – back in 2008. It helps that I just have to walk down the hill a couple blocks to start taking in the preparations…
Each year, the imagery I see, is so full of joy, hope, and love. Of course, various themes jump out, with different ones seeming to magically pop through and tell different stories each year…
Whether it’s purposeful from the parades standpoint, or just me seeing things differently or more likely a combination of the two…there really is something new every year, even if the same faces often make annual appearances…
This year, and in each year previous, I see the drum beat for marriage equality come through most strongly. This is the pulse, moreso now, staring down an election year – and Washington State is right in the mix with R74 United for Marriage Act. I guess, love is political? While I am not sure it should have to be, my hope is that the energy, the colors and joy, is something we can celebrate everyday.
For Seattle Pride images from years past, 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011.
This year…enjoy, love…

~ Full Archive Slideshow ~
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