Heya folks…yeah, yeah, I know, where are those damn Europe photos!?
Patience my lovelies!
I did want to stop and mention one of the new things I am up to…
I mentioned before, I need to get more involved, volunteer somehow…
Well, I think I found the perfect opportunity to give back to the community and further my current obsession! I am volunteering as the photographer for the Phinney Ridge Neighborhood Association – the PNA : http://www.phinneycenter.org
They do cool things for their surrounding community, host neat events, and what they do is full of “life” and that, I think, is what I am about as a photographer…
So keep a lookout…I have just started, so don’t have much to show yet, I sent them some of their building exterior shots that they have running on a mini slideshow on their blog: http://phinneycenter.blogspot.com/ …there will be more, and they have some upcoming things like a beer taste, and a Farmers Market…so I will keep y’alls updated here, to check out new stuff!
Some other stuff image wise too…but we will see how that pans out…
Life otherwise is ok…Foo Fighters this week! squee! might sneak the old p/s into that…we will see…I have general admission tix, so we will see how close I get to that dirty rocker boy David Grohl—yum! ha ha…
Laters my people…