
Like a Blister in the Sun…Oahu 2013

Ok, so not a blister, per se, but a bit of bright sun to burst through the winter blues, with images full of solar flare and whatnot – that was what the ol’ sensor captured on the big 5d2… But, it wasn’t just the big camera, in fact it was mostly the little iPhone that […]


The folks at Northwest Folklife festival 2012 5-26-2012

So I went down to folklife festival this year – not sure I have been before? Anywho, many I know are over at Sasquatch this weekend…others out of town on vacation… But it was a gorgeous weekend in Seattle – so if you were here – it was a great time to get out and […]


Occupy, the beginning of? first batch of images from the occupation at Westlake Park

Images that inspire, anger, move – that is what it’s all about, right? There is something going on right now, in Seattle, Wall Street, and abound, that I couldn’t ignore, and seeing images of, inspired me to take my camera out of the sabbatical I have it on. While there are already many images of […]


EYE of the iPhone (photography)

We’ve all seen them, those infamous cell phone myspace/facebook pics that someone took of themselves in the mirror, right? So easy. I love using my iPhone to shoot self portraits… Maybe it’s vain? I don’t know – but if I look good, or if I am in a mood – I like to capture it […]


Freeway Park ~ Spring in Seattle 2011

Took the new LX5 on a spin around town, specifically a jaunt through Freeway Park, in the middle of downtown, and caught the spring flowers, magnolias, cherry blossoms, tulips and whatnot (read I don’t know what the other flowers were)…all in the first burst of bloom amongst our barely there Spring in Seattle…I tried to […]


Event Photography: Over the RAINBOW?! Seattle Pride 2010

Given the barely unrainy day…we almost didn’t need the excess in rainbows via our most fabulous of parades to see said rainbow, here in our very own Emerald City…but alas, the skies held their drops, and we had a lovely few hours of temperate temps, and twirling dispays of rainbows, and yes, Oz references…it took […]


Concert Photography: Imogen Heap & friends at the Paramount…she's one cool lady…

Imogen Heap came to town almost 2weeks ago – and she did so in a fashion for a big musician, I rarely see…She came out to introduce each opening set – in her street clothes, pre hair/makeup…as herself. There is something there, that really sets her apart. On top of that, she brought out a […]


Concert Photography: Noise for the Needy 2010 – don't forget the crowd shots!

For the third year in a row, I made it a point to photograph a couple of the shows sponsored by the Noise for the Needy Festival. Catch images / blogs from 2008 & 2009. The Festival this year was supporting “Teen Feed” – as always another great organization that does so much good. It’s […]