
People versus Landscapes

Hello world! It’s been a minute, or two, or three 😜. There have been several frames that haven’t quite made it here, though should be in the ARCHIVE and/or my photo fave social media Instagram {{shrug}}… So what has inspired the latent, oh so new post?  Well, I did get a new camera, or two, […]


Neutral Density Hiking…

So, it’s late Spring, and time to get out and about. I need to get into shape, and what better way than to hike out to see some pretty things? Like creeks and waterfalls…what does this mean for image making nerds? I means you take your tripod, stop way down, and let the shutter open […]


Like a Blister in the Sun…Oahu 2013

Ok, so not a blister, per se, but a bit of bright sun to burst through the winter blues, with images full of solar flare and whatnot – that was what the ol’ sensor captured on the big 5d2… But, it wasn’t just the big camera, in fact it was mostly the little iPhone that […]