
Lava, Luau, Loco Moco & Love…Big Island Hawaii 2016

So, where to start… I decided last spring that I wanted to spend my next birthday in Hawaii…because, well, sun, beaches, sunsets and paradise;) It’s good for the soul, and glorious for the camera sensor. It really is peaceful excitement when you first set foot in paradise, and this trip proved why in many ways. […]


Like a Blister in the Sun…Oahu 2013

Ok, so not a blister, per se, but a bit of bright sun to burst through the winter blues, with images full of solar flare and whatnot – that was what the ol’ sensor captured on the big 5d2… But, it wasn’t just the big camera, in fact it was mostly the little iPhone that […]



Well maybe not literally *wowie* as somehow I never caught the herbal scent, even whilst wandering across the park under the infamous banyan tree…sigh – the once cash crop, seems to have gone underground, or rather to ground perhaps, as I know I saw some *happy* surfers at another park – really, just friendly;) “Wowie” […]



Well maybe not literally *wowie* as somehow I never caught the herbal scent, even whilst wandering across the park under the infamous banyan tree…sigh – the once cash crop, seems to have gone underground, or rather to ground perhaps, as I know I saw some *happy* surfers at another park – really, just friendly;) “Wowie” […]