Bringing foward the love, because, well, I love me some real tv crack…ergo, I must have more Rock Star!
Originally posted by my friend Cheryl: just published an article about reality shows that should be renewed, and guess which show is leading the online voting? Rock Star is far in the lead, currently with 79% of the vote! we want the show to come back, we need to show CBS how popular it
is – and the best way to do that is to VOTE, and leave no doubt that
Rock Star is the show most deserving of a time slot in the coming
year.The current buzz is that Led Zeppelin is considering doing the show.
How do you feel about that? Would you watch? Would it be a smart move
for the band? Do you have a better idea?However you feel, make your voice heard! Make a comment or two both at
TVweek at the end of the article AND at – every
comment counts! is listening and we have a platform right now with this poll to
make our voices heard. So please, take the time to go vote and to post
a comment or two. It’ll be worth it, when our favorite show comes back
next year. After all, once Brooke Burke wins Dancing with the Stars
she’ll need her “regular” job back!Cheryl Spelts