Yes, that would be prolific writer Neil Gaiman, known for his dark stories inked out on best sellers, and the illustrious eclectic rocker come wife, Amanda Palmer…
Together you say? Yep, a night full of oddly lovey banter, kisses, extra freaky creepy proes & poetry, tunes, with a few friendly special guests…
Amanda Palmer is always a treat – whether it’s with the Dresden Dolls, the quirky Eveylyn Evelyn(with Jason Webley), solo or here – with husband…The most noteworthy bit – is how these two, both with their own bit of obvious edgy humor & angst – are obviously so in love – it’s almost disgusting, if they weren’t really so cool – we forgive them – they are just beyond. So go ahead, make out, it’s ok, we’re good.
Gaiman – is the perfect match – on stage, whether reading, telling a story, singing(yep!) or staring lovingly (or oggling) at the wife…
The night, was over 2hrs of a quirky creepy freaky good time.
Assignment images are here –
Some of my favorite images from the night…
Archive Slideshow
An Evening with Neil Gaiman & Amanda Palmer at the Moore Theatre 11-9-2011 – Images by Elisa Sherman