This year – Seattle’s Pride Parade, like so many in years past, was full of color, fun, joy, energy, politics, love… Perhaps by season, or perhaps by fate, the Pride of 2013 had the bright light of the sun shown on it, almost as a spotlight, of history made. Just this last November after all, Washington joined leading states passing marriage equality. Just the week previous, the SCOTUS struck down a major portion of DOMA, and finally laid California’s Prop 8 to rest. So the sun rose, rays shining brightly on our parade of rainbows, this year… Always, love. And I can hardly believe, this is my 6th year raising my lens to capture the energy that is Pride – it’s almost a compulsion at this point, and I won’t miss it, though in all honesty, I did lower my lens before the last steps… Anywho, for images from the last 5 years, reminisce…2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 Now for my faves – depsite my early finish, still masses I filtered through…enjoy the love. And oh yeah, uhm, #holypinkoutfitbatman 😉
Seatle Pride 2013 – Images by Elisa Sherman