Greetings earthlings! Yesterday was Earth Day – so we went out in it. Many marched for Science – and I am so thankful. Science has allowed me to heal, and I am forever grateful to everyone who practices it everyday, everyone who discovers and all who push to the next frontier. Good science means good Earth. Yesterday, I finally felt well enough to go out amongst the tulips sprouting up from the damp earth, shooting some new electronics.
Today was the first day, clicking the new shutter of the Fuji X-T20 out in the world (& instantly instagramming!) – beyond our cat Thelma(lol). I wasn’t able to trounce through all the fields yet, but we did make it to the 2 main gardens up in the Skagit Valley – Roozengaarde and Tulip Town. I have 2 lenses so far – the kit 16-50mm and the Lensbaby Trio 28, the latter capturing most of the images(all the blurry and swirly backgrounds).
The Fuji is a huge change for me equipment wise – it’s mirrorless and a crop 1.6x sensor. I really wanted to shrink my kit size, and was looking at the mirrorless. They are all advanced now, and some great photographers are using them. I had focused the full frame Sony’s at first, but between the size, cost, and current tech, I just couldn’t pull the trigger. For mirrorless, one of the best was the Fuji line – but it was crop. So I researched, and found, that the performance, image quality, and body/lens styles all fit what I was looking for, so I took the leap. I am awaiting a fish eye to add to the kit for my travels to Europe next month. I imagine I will eventually replace the kit lens with a 16-55 2.8, and ultimately add a fast prime like the 50 2.0, and a longer fast zoom like the 50-140 2.8. Oh, and I still have access to the big 5d2 as it stays in the family;)
So anywho, let’s get to it – Tulips! For looks back – 2008, 2011, 2013.
Earth Day 2017 was a bit overcast and damp at intervals, however, the Tulips shown through!
Full slideshow ~