Happy New Year!
So, I have been shooting for the Phinney Ridge Neighborhood Association(PNA – http://www.phinneycenter.org/ ) since last summer…
Lot’s of fun, great practice and tons of diverse shooting opportunities!
To see the collection, ongoing, check the flickr sets here:
I just got back from shooting a concert at their center called “Saturday Nights at Phinney Ridge”. This concert in particular was put on by the Seattle Folklore Society ( http://www.seafolklore.org/ ). The headliner was Dick Weissman ( http://www.dickweissman.com/ ).
To see the set I have of Dick, check the flickr slideshow here:
Dick was a lot of fun…a great story teller…I loved his bits about Bob Dylan!
But the stunning images of the night came from the gorgeous Sarah Sample! While clearly talented and a funny story teller, it may have been her high cheek bones or perhaps just her joyous expressions that really made the images work. I don’t know…but whatever it was, I really enjoyed going through these:)
Here’s a few…
For the full set of Sarah, check the slideshow here:
For more on Sarah and her music:
There are more photos coming…a dance I shot on Friday, and a art bit coming on Tuesday…and the ever illusive vacation pics from last year:)
Hope everyone’s new year is kicking off well…