
Long Lost: Beach House frames from the 2010 Vampire Weekend show that didn’t happen…

It was a what, 2 hour show? A show that never had a headliner, as the lead for Vampire Weekend lost his voice. But alas, we were treated to a couple quite good opening acts – first the Dum Dum Girls, then Beach House – they almost could have headlined in my opinion… For whatever reason, I never got to publishing this set…but heck, it was time to dig through the archives ~ enjoy!

Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) Beach House opening for the cancelled Vampire Weekend show 8-29-2010 at Marymoor Amphitheatre (Elisa Sherman) ~ Archive Slideshow ~ [photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000qLxLns3Uz_0″ g_name=”Beach-House-at-Marymoor-8-29-2010″ f_show_slidenum=”t” img_title=”f” pho_credit=”iptc” f_link=”t” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”t” f_fullscreen=”t” f_topbar=”t” f_bbar=”t” f_show_watermark=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_mtrx=”t” fsvis=”f” width=”800″ height=”600″ bgcolor=”#AAAAAA” bgtrans=”t” btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” crop=”f” twoup=”t” trans=”xfade” tbs=”5000″ f_ap=”t” linkdest=”c” f_constrain=”f” f_bbarbig=”” f_show_caption=”f” f_smooth=”f” f_up=”f” target=”_self” ]


Seattle Pride 2012: Here comes the Bride (Groom)

Seattle Pride is something that has drawn my lens since I started seriously shooting with a dSLR – back in 2008.  It helps that I just have to walk down the hill a couple blocks to start taking in the preparations…

Each year, the imagery I see, is so full of joy, hope, and love.  Of course, various themes jump out, with different ones seeming to magically pop through and tell different stories each year…

Whether it’s purposeful from the parades standpoint, or just me seeing things differently or more likely a combination of the two…there really is something new every year, even if the same faces often make annual appearances…

This year, and in each year previous, I see the drum beat for marriage equality come through most strongly. This is the pulse, moreso now, staring down an election year – and Washington State is right in the mix with R74 United for Marriage Act. I guess, love is political? While I am not sure it should have to be, my hope is that the energy, the colors and joy, is something we can celebrate everyday.

For Seattle Pride images from years past, 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011.

This year…enjoy, love…

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

~ Full Archive Slideshow ~
[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000Wo0820B9kqM” g_name=”Pride-2012-6-24-2012″ f_show_slidenum=”t” img_title=”f” pho_credit=”iptc” f_link=”t” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”t” f_fullscreen=”t” f_topbar=”t” f_bbar=”t” f_show_watermark=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_mtrx=”t” fsvis=”f” width=”800″ height=”600″ bgcolor=”#AAAAAA” bgtrans=”t” btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” crop=”f” twoup=”t” trans=”xfade” tbs=”5000″ f_ap=”t” linkdest=”c” f_constrain=”f” f_bbarbig=”” f_show_caption=”f” f_smooth=”f” f_up=”f” target=”_self” ]


Noise for the Needy 2012

This year as I was going to be out of town the second week of June – I thought I was going to miss the annual charity music festival – Noise for the Needy…after having shot it every year since 2008…but they had a couple of early show dates – so I was able to squeeze this one in – at Neumos, headlined by The Thermals, with Little Cuts, and Tacocat. To reminisce on years past check out – 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 blogs.

This year – as always, the images show what a great cause, what fun, and what is so cool about this event – the people & the music. Enjoy…

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

Full Gallery –

Noise for the Needy 2012 @ Neumos 6-2-2012 – Images by Elisa Sherman


The folks at Northwest Folklife festival 2012 5-26-2012

So I went down to folklife festival this year – not sure I have been before? Anywho, many I know are over at Sasquatch this weekend…others out of town on vacation…

But it was a gorgeous weekend in Seattle – so if you were here – it was a great time to get out and enjoy something local – ergo, I did. I was supposed to find a friend that was playing there – but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out where…the place was teaming – bunches of Seattlites were there – running around the fountain, consuming the fair food, lazing in the sun, taking in the music on the stages, and street performers of all types (music and otherwise) along all the walkways…It was fabulous – a perfect seattle day (and weekend) to be out at Seattle Center taking in the bliss.

And so I did…camera in hand. I decided to focus on the life over the stages – if that makes sense. From the kids running around, folks lazing under the sun, street performers doing whatever they do, playing for tips, etc…it was perfection, this day.

Take a look –

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

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 (Elisa Sherman)

Full set gallery archive from the day

Northwest Folklife Festival 2012 5-26-2012 – Images by Elisa Sherman


Pride 2011

So – I totally flaked and didn’t blog timely the Pride 2011 images this year – tsk tsk! But I have some – I actually lost quite a few that never got processed due to an unbacked up hard drive failure (tsk tsk again!)…

Anywho, with the year coming to a close – I didn’t want to pass these under the radar…but celebrate what didn’t crash! As always, love, marriage, and joy is what I seek…To visit prior year sets check – 2008, 2009, 2010 links.

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

 (Elisa Sherman)

Seattle Pride Parade 2011 (Elisa Sherman)

slideshow –

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 6-26-2011 – Images by Elisa Sherman


Occupy Seattle: Dancing & solidarity from Amanda Palmer 11-12-2011

Occupy Seattle 11-12-2011 at Westlake Park - Dancing and special appearance by Amanda Palmer (Elisa Sherman) Ventured out into the cold late afternoon this Saturday to see what was up with Occupy Seattle – things were, well different. For this and previous visits – see my Occupy Seattle: the series page.

I think, part of the change is the weather, part of it, is the splintering of locations – Westlake is no longer the hub – folks are camping out up at Seattle Central Community College up on the hill. Oh, and it’s darker earlier – welcome to winter, or rather late fall (but it felt like winter!)…

In the past, I had focused on the signs – which had been in abundance, as a portal for reading the message, or the heart of the movement. This afternoon, there were less than a handful of signs – most professionally printed rather than handwritten. I don’t know what it all means – maybe it was just time for the group that has hung in there, to have some fun. Fun is a good thing…so this time, it’s dancing, and singing. And a special visit to support the Occupy movement, by Amanda Palmer – in town this week for last Wednesday’s show with her husband, to see Jason Webley’s 11-11-11 show, and finally, to stand in solidarity as she has in other cities, with Occupy Seattle.

Occupy Seattle 11-12-2011 at Westlake Park - Dancing and special appearance by Amanda Palmer (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle 11-12-2011 at Westlake Park - Dancing and special appearance by Amanda Palmer (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle 11-12-2011 at Westlake Park - Dancing and special appearance by Amanda Palmer (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 11-12-2011 – Images by Elisa Sherman

As always – to view the entire series of images from Occupy Seattle, click HERE.


Occupy Seattle: global day of action, Rally at Westlake Park 10-15-2011

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman)I went back to see how the “occupation” was doing – here in Seattle, this Saturday, 10-15-2011. This date in particular is marked as a day when occupations everywhere, made a major push.

Without going into the politics of it, this made me think and reinforce why & what I am doing, going out and capturing images. There are lot’s of images being taken, made, posted, etc. There are lot’s of stories being told.

My full collection will be accumulated here on a page I made dedicated to the occupation –

In my images, I am not after the tactical struggles of the occupation, nor the grandeur of the masses. Part of my image selection process is in search of the why and what – what is the occupation looking for, what is it standing for? I am focusing on faces, and signs, and messages in my search for this. The answers to that, are part of the story I am trying to tell. The other part, is something I always try to show & tell in my images, the part that I call: chasing bliss. More succinctly, the search for joy, beauty passion and peace – and that revolution, or fighting for something, can be beautiful, it can be the pursuit of that bliss the occupiers seek. Perhaps that isn’t entirely within “photojournalistic” standards – but then, I’m not working for anyone. I am just using something I know how to do – trip the shutter, to ask questions, and tell a story.

If you are looking for images of arrests, taking over the streets, or pictures that capture the volume (or not volume at intervals) of people that are gathering – there are many images of those circulating, by some great photographers, and photojournalists.

For me, locally, one of the guys that inspired me to take my camera out to caputure images – has himself, captured some phenomenal images of what it is like on the ground, some of the beauty and the struggles – that story is also very compelling – check out Geoffrey Gribbin’s images on – they really are something.

Another, an image in particular that I wish I had gotten – is the one featured – by Joshua Trujillo – on the Seattle PI online. It’s an image that in particular captures one of the statements that are being made my the occupiers.

And from the heart of where it started, not so local, there are also some great images from Occupy Wall Streets taking of Time Square yesterday, here by Phillip Stearns. Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman) The impact of the movement is clearly captured here in the largess of the scenes.

That is all to say, there is a lot out there to see, there are many stories to be told, and opinions to be had.

Technically, I am using a couple different approaches with my 5d2, using mainly the 70-200 2.8, wide open, to see what I see at a distance, at points, and in particular purposefully blurring the background to focus soley on the subject ignoring the background. As well, almost in contrast, using the 15mm fisheye to shoot at hip or 7ft level, whatever I am walking by, to bend and emphasize images through the viewfinder in a way that makes you see them differently or more clearly even.

In post, I am using a heavy lomo style of saturation and burning of the edges to further emphasize the subjects and focus the story with some intensity.

Anywho – here is more of that story I have to tell…from October 15th, at Westlake…

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at West Lake 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 (Elisa Sherman)

The gallery from Occupy Seattle 10-15-2011 at Westlake

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-15-2011 – Images by Elisa Sherman

And again, for the full collection bookmark my Occupy Seattle: the series.


Occupy, the beginning of? first batch of images from the occupation at Westlake Park

Images that inspire, anger, move – that is what it’s all about, right? There is something going on right now, in Seattle, Wall Street, and abound, that I couldn’t ignore, and seeing images of, inspired me to take my camera out of the sabbatical I have it on.

While there are already many images of – we all see things differently, tell a different story. As well, part of the point of the movement that is happening, is duration – the only way to tell that, via images, is to keep taking them. So, this is the beginning of my series of recording the occupation here in Seattle – at Westlake Park. For more on the local occupation – For more on what I think about it – and other things political – see my new poli-blog – – my first post is here.

Now, the images – these were captured October 6th and 8th.

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-8-2011 ((c)2011 Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-8-2011 ((c)2011 Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Seattle 10-6-2011 ((c)2011 Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Seattle 10-6-2011 ((c)2011 Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-8-2011 ((c)2011 Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-8-2011 ((c)2011 Elisa Sherman)

Occupy Seattle at Westlake Park 10-8-2011 ((c)2011 Elisa Sherman)

The full set to date –

Occupy Seattle – Images by Elisa Sherman

The ongoing collection will be here –


Seattle comes Out…

They sure did…it was a bright, shiny and a freaking HOT Seattle Sunday…and it was the big Pride Parade day…the featured parade in the few weeks of gay pride celebrations hereabouts…

I am not gay(not that there is anything wrong with it…tm J. Seinfeld, lol), and have never made any effort to check out the festivities…I mean I am totally ok with whatever folks do, have gay friends, etc etc…I have just never bothered to do more than notice that traffic is bad during these times!

Well, lately I have been a bit of an image whore, and any good opportunity to capture some colorful life out and about, and I am there! So…lol…needless to say, this event qualified! The previous weekend (see preceding blog) I had shot from within the Fremont Solstice parade…and this was a clear followup opportunity…I love shooting people…from an event/editorial viewpoint…capturing their passion and joy in life…

I have to say, this was very different, this Pride parade, than I expected, and from the preceding weekend…

First, one of the big call outs I would say is just how political it was…and I don’t mean, gay rights perspective, though there is that…

I mean, ALL the big local, I think mostly democrat, politicians were out, with their supporters…and legions of Obama supporters…

And kids…lots of kids…definitely a family feel to the thing…

Lot’s of official and varied church support…god is love was definitely a theme…

The obvious, drag queens, the Sisters, and super stereotypical gay imagery accompanied much of the displays…and was easiest to capture via photograph…the camera loves the flamboyant…and I have to admit, these folks are who I knew would get captured well in frame, and they did not disappoint…

But, the formality and grandiousness of size of the event also surprised me a bit…

I guess, it was so much in contrast to the free and arty Solstice bit, that the big floats and police escort kind of threw me…and of course, I was just a spectator here, so shot from the sidelines…

The other bit that pleasantly surprised me, were all the locals that came out to stand with me on the sidelines…many totally straight, and many families…just coming out to see a fun parade, and share in the love…

To me that was mostly what this thing was about…it really wasn’t all that showy to me…not excessively flamboyant, as compared to the exhibitionist displays from the preceding weekend(though I did recognize a handful of the same folks turn out in the parade:)…it really was about love, acceptance, diversity, and excitement—the political supporters were effusive, even…it was catchy….

So, without further adieu, I suppose, here are my favorite images from the 2 hours I spent in the scorching sun…

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

800 - Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

Seattle Pride Parade ~ 2008

The preceding are a subselection(though majority) of the full set I have loaded here:

Peace & Love Seattle…
