Blue October is back! So glad…it’s been too long…
With their new CD “Approaching Normal” they are back on the road, hitting everyone over the head with their passionate live shows…I just love them. And so did everyone else…
For this show, I received my first photo pass…this left me with nerves abound, as I got to shoot from the inside of the barrier…imperfect while it was, it was simply an amazing experience…
Select photos are posted online at | Approaching Normal
Over all a spectacular show…end to end…heavy on the new music off the new cd…with plenty of your faves, ie Celebration, Come in Closer, Hate Me, Into the Ocean etc mixed in towards the back half of the show…that of course I stayed through…
Strobes, smokey stage…oh my holy heck, Justin must have lost like 40 lbs…he is the hottest one stage for sure—the new physique combined with his always passionate delivery…though CB as always draws the camera……he is such a rockstar…
Have a look…
Buy their cd! I did………
For more on Blue, their tour & cd:
~ Elisa
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