
Yosemite …for the first time!

oFunny enough, I JUST finally Yosemite… This is notable as, my mom lives in Fresno, and I fly into Fresno-Yosemite International airport when I visit, lol…literally she lived about 90 miles…yet we hadn’t made it up there on my visits until now… We went and had lunch at the lodge…a few images from our trek…and […]


Random things that are not here to annoy you, or get your ass tagged;)

So, I totally succumbed over in FB(facebook) land to that 25 random things trend… Even though I always professed to hate those obnoxious surveys on MS(myspace)…but I think I gave in because (1) I am after all, random;) and (2) they are interesting to read about people…what folks decide to want to share… From the […]


Randomly Friday, Thank God!

Thoughts to ponder…………. …It shouldn’t be so difficult…whatever…easy is good… Girls are crazy……..myself included… Life can be both achingly slow, and excessively fast…all at the same time……. Rock is sex………….does there need to be any more to that bit?! lol… Cool is an attitude…Hottness is perception…the Beholder grants both… Happiness is our own to have […]


In Bruges

A beautifully disturbing film. I have to admit, I don’t see many flicks with Mr. Farrell headlining… However, I found this one quite interesting…that is when I wasn’t (pleasantly) distracted by my date………. But we will leave that for another time perhaps… Movies…I really have gotten out of the habit of going in the last […]